Dr Maxime Fairon

Maître de Conférences

Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (IMB)
Université Bourgogne Europe & CNRS
9 avenue Alain Savary
21078 Dijon (France)

Room : 407, bâtiment Mirande

Email : Maxime.Fairon /AT/ ube.fr (also: Maxime.Fairon /AT/ u-bourgogne.fr)

Picture of me

I have joined IMB on 1 December 2023 as Maître de Conférences (=lecturer).

NEWS: There will be a Workshop on Non-Associative Algebras in Dijon, 22/09-26/09/2025

NEWS: Applications to the International Master in Mathematical Physics in Dijon will be open for the academic year 2025-2026 between mid-February and mid-May 2025. The thematic courses for the M2 will focus on algebraic geometry in 2025-2026.

Research Interests

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For more informations...

Research - Publications, presentations, past activities


Double brackets - summary of their use in mathematics

Other... - includes previous application material

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Do cats do maths?