LMo6G - Géométrie, courbes et surfaces, L3 (CM)
UE8 Mathématiques appliquées (Sciences Vie, Terre, Environnement), L1 (CM+TD)
UE4 - Géométrie, M1 PMG (TD)
Differential Geometry, M1 Math. Phys. (TD)
MATH4B - Algèbre bilinéaire, L2 (TD)
Statistiques pour la Psychologie, L1 (TD)
MATH4B - Algèbre bilinéaire, L2 (23-24: TD)
LMo6G - Géométrie, courbes et surfaces, L3 (23-24: TD)
Statistiques pour la Psychologie, L1 (23-24: TD)
UE9 Mathématiques appliquées à la biologie, L1 (23-24: TD)
L1 Algèbre Linéaire et Géométrie (22-23: TD)
Classical and Quantum Integrability
(20-21: 1-hour lecture for UK PhD students) •
Notes for lecture 2 •
link for the recordings
MATHS3019 - Mathematical Methods
(19-20,20-21,21-22: tutoring and marking)
MATHS4101 - Differential Geometry
(19-20,20-21,21-22: lecturing, tutoring, marking)
ADE - Amazing Diagrams Everywhere (tutor for S. Gratz's 3 hours course)
Combinatorial low-dimensional topology (tutor for S. Schleimer's 3 hours course)
MATH1012 - Mathematics 2 (18-19 : tutoring and marking)
MATH1026 - Sets, Sequences and Series (16-17, 17-18, 18-19 : tutoring and marking)
MATH1055 - Numbers and Vectors (15-16, 16-17, 17-18 : tutoring and marking)
MATH1060 - Introductory Linear Algebra (15-16 : tutoring and marking)
MATH2016 - Analysis (16-17 : marking)
MATH2022 - Groups and Vector Spaces (16-17 : marking, 17-18 : tutoring and marking)
MATH2026 - Rings, Fields and Polynomials (15-16 : marking)
MATH2051 - Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (18-19 : tutoring and marking)
MATH2375 - Linear Differential Equations and Transforms (17-18, 18-19 : tutoring and marking)
Double Poisson (vertex) algebras (Mini-course of 4 hours given online - hosted by Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China)
A. Fotiadis, Double Courant-Dorfman algebras and Poisson vertex algebras (M2 thesis, 2024)