- Integrable systems on multiplicative quiver varieties from cyclic quivers.
Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 58 (2025), paper 045202.
- Modified double brackets and a conjecture of S. Arthamonov.
Communications in Mathematics 33 (2025) (Special issue: European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar). URL ;
- Double Multiplicative Poisson Vertex Algebras [with D. Valeri].
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2023, 14991–15072 (2023). URL ; arXiv:2110.03418
- Integrable multi-Hamiltonian systems from reduction of an extended quasi-Poisson double of U(n) [with L. Fehér].
Ann. Henri Poincaré 24, 3461--3529 (2023). URL ; arXiv:2302.14392
- Around Van den Bergh's double brackets for different bimodule structures [with C. McCulloch].
Communications in Algebra 51, 1673--1706 (2023). URL ; arXiv:2204.03298
- Euler continuants in noncommutative quasi-Poisson geometry [with D. Fernández].
Forum of Mathematics Sigma 10, Paper No. e88, 54 pp (2022). URL ; arXiv:2105.04858
- Morphisms of double (quasi-)Poisson algebras and action-angle duality of integrable systems.
Annales Henri Lebesgue 5, 179--262 (2022). URL ; arXiv:2008.01409
- Superintegrability of Calogero-Moser systems associated with the cyclic quiver [with T.F. Görbe].
Nonlinearity 34, 7662--7682 (2021). URL ; arXiv:2101.05520
- A decoupling property of some Poisson structures on $Mat_{n\times d}(\mathbb{C}) \times Mat_{d\times n}(\mathbb{C})$ supporting $GL(n,\mathbb{C}) \times GL(d,\mathbb{C})$ Poisson--Lie symmetry [with L. Fehér].
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62, 033512 (2021). URL ; arXiv:2112.00381
- Double quasi-Poisson brackets : fusion and new examples.
Algebras and Representation Theory 24, 911--958 (2021). URL ; arXiv:1905.11273
- Trigonometric real form of the spin RS model of Krichever and Zabrodin [with L. Fehér, I. Marshall].
Annales Henri Poincaré 22, 615--675 (2021). URL ; arXiv:2007.08388
- On the Hamiltonian formulation of the trigonometric spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider system [with O. Chalykh].
Letters in Mathematical Physics 110, 2893--2940 (2020). URL ; arXiv:1811.08727
- Spin versions of the complex trigonometric Ruijsenaars-Schneider model from cyclic quivers.
Journal of Integrable Systems, Volume 4, Issue 1, xyz008 (2019). URL ; arXiv:1811.08717
- Multiplicative quiver varieties and generalised Ruijsenaars-Schneider models [with O. Chalykh].
Journal of Geometry and Physics 121, 413-437 (2017). URL ; arXiv:1704.05814
- Introduction to graded geometry.
European Journal of Mathematics 3 (2), 208-222 (2017). URL ; arXiv:1512.02810
- On the noncommutative Poisson geometry of certain wild character varieties [with D. Fernández]. arXiv:2103.10117
- Functorial constructions related to double Poisson vertex algebras [with T. Bozec, A. Moreau]. arXiv:2307.06071
- Compatible Poisson structures on multiplicative quiver varieties.
- Multiplicative quiver varieties and integrable particle systems, University of Leeds (2019). Available here. (Supervisor : O. Chalykh)
- Poster (2017) Multiplicative quiver varieties and generalised Ruijsenaars-Schneider models
- Poster (2018) Momentum maps and integrability in noncommutative (quasi-)Poisson geometry
- Poster (2021) Spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider systems from cyclic quivers
+ short video
- Beamer (2018) From double brackets to integrable systems
- Beamer (2020) Noncommutative Poisson geometry and integrable systems
+ video of the first half
- Beamer (2020) Double (quasi-)Poisson algebras and their morphisms
- Beamer (2021) Des carquois et des systèmes intégrables, in French
- Beamer (2021) Integrable systems on (multiplicative) quiver varieties
+ video
+ second video
- Beamer (2022) Double multiplicative Poisson vertex algebras
- Beamer (2023) Around Van den Bergh's double brackets
- Beamer (2023) Geometric reduction of spin trigonometric RS systems
- Beamer (2024) Compatible Poisson structures on MQV
- Beamer (2024) Modified double brackets and a conjecture of Arthamonov